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FairLight - 10 Years Of Glory - ORDER NOW!

Ever wanted to get your hands on all the stuff ever produced by FairLight? All the stuff from the glory days of this scene legends forever impacting scene on 64, Amiga and to some extent on the PC as well! Rest no more - it's all available on digital download! COntact me, pay and you will get a link.


C64 75MB of D64 images in 476 files, including index files over the sequence of disks
Amiga 314 MB of heavily packed DMS files - 661 files in all, structured after the release year!
PC 14MB - Two programs only; Which will remain a secret for you to find out
Music 497K c64 music - in 122 tunes
Graphics A set of FairLight logos along the currently available set of Cracking Comics and a few banners from the sites.
Tools Lots of the tools you need to access and manipulated the images included. The most recent emulators for the PC in order for you to run an emulated Amiga and C64 areincluded.
Music As this is a mixed mode CD, you have also 19 minutes of FairLight related musics. This is real audio which can be played in any CD on your stereo. These pieces are known to make grown sceners cry :-)
HTML Copies of the two sites www.fairlight.org and www.fairlight.to . When purchased through me you always get a copy of the files I actually work on for the home page, so you could even get a more recent version than the one on the web! I could have updated it, but not uploaded it! (Which is the case when writing this for example!)

Download a list of contents - it might not be fully up to date, but gives you a hint of whats on the CD

Price for this lump of gold

Svenska kronor (SEK) 100
Dollars (USD) 10
Euros (EUR) 10

Means of payment

Send the agreed sum over Paypal to paypal@berg.to

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me a mail - Just press this link.


Pirates sell copies of games in order to make a profit, and harm the legal business while doing so.

FairLight don't sell games.

We have collected the FairLight stuff to make sure we preserved the part of history we took part in. It's our view that these games are no longer commercially interesting and won't harm any legal business, hence this is not piracy in our view, even if it's strictly legally technically is!

If you run or represent a business, which feel that this collection harm your business in any way, then please let us know and we'll happily remove the part disturbing you. The intention is not to cause harm, but to spread a part of the history we're proud of!


The dinkum aussie Mayhem says:
"It works fine & the music is awesome! Love the Druid II Remix & the Wizardry Rave Mix."

Michael Derendorf says:
"hi Bacchus! your cd is here...great piece, i´m feeling nostalgic!
i never forget the time of glory, the 80´s... c64 rulez! "

Thomas Gottschall had some very nice words:
"... the FairLight CD has arrived here (last Friday or so). It's great it simply can't be described in words what the feeling was when I went through the whole C64 files. I had something important to do but I said what the hell I want to see them all and so I did. The Druid II Remix is perfect.
Thanks again, for quick delivery, for the stuff and for some more wonderful moments when looking back to the good old days. "

'JoKer' says
"just a short note to say thanks for sending the CD. I just received it. It is great. I love all the music and the programs that you have provided. Most of all I am greatful for you and Fairlight for producing such a comprehensive 64 and Amiga CD for the enjoyment of people around the globe."

Oliver from Germany claims:
"Anyway, thanks for your convenient shipping, another satisfied customer more. Which proves again that Fairlight is...the best there was, the best there is and the best it`ll ever be..."